Web and phone resources

Canadian Legal Information Institute

CanLII – an online database of all judgements published across Canada.

The Family Law Act – Province of British Columbia

Governing statute for family law in BC after 2010.

Divorce Act of Canada

Federal statute.

Child and Spousal Support Calculations

A good resource for estimating child and spousal support.

JP Boyd on Family Law

Clicklaw Wikibooks – online resources by J.P. Boyd K.C.

Justice access centers

Justice Access Centres – Province of British Columbia.

Access Pro Bono

Lawyer referral service.

Courthouse Library

5th floor of Victoria Courthouse. Very helpful folks, lots of resources available.

BC Legal Aid Society

Free legal help for BC residents.

Mediate BC

Find a mediator tool.

ADR Professionals BC

ADRBC – ADR Institute of British Columbia.

Counselling Services Directory BC

Psychologists, counsellors and therapists directory.

Online Divorce Assistant

Ministry of Justice e-Divorce.

Rise Women’s Legal Centre

The UVic Law Centre

The Law Centre – University of Victoria.

24-hour Vancouver Island crisis line


24-hour BC Province crisis line


Criminal Code of Canada

Human Nature Counselling

BC Government Resources for Criminal Law

Women’s Transition House

Shelter for abused women.

Recommended books

The front cover of BIFF for Coparents by Bill Eddy

BIFF for Coparent Communication: Your Guide to Difficult Texts, Emails, and Social Media Posts

By Bill Eddy. The green cover version deals with coparent communication.

Divorce Poison

By Dr. Richard Warshak.


By Bill Eddy and Randi Kreger.

Family law

Swiftsure Law in Victoria has a proven track record of achieving positive results for its clients both inside and outside of the courtroom. Careful planning and a crafted strategic presentation win the day.


While it’s natural for people on the losing end of a judgement to feel like they’ve been slighted, there are legitimate situations where a judge, master, or arbitrator “got it wrong” based on the information they had available to them at the time.

Divorce & separation

A separation agreement is a legally-binding document that is filed with, and fully enforceable by, the court. While you may be motivated to resolve your divorce or separation quickly, agreeing to something that hurts you can have costs that far outweigh the benefits of a speedy resolution.


A mediator is a neutral facilitator who builds consensus between parties and then documents their agreement. Separation agreements made at mediations are legally binding and when filed with the court, are enforceable like a court order. A mediator neither gives legal advice nor makes the decisions for you. Mediation is a confidential process where a decision is made by the parties instead of being imposed upon you.

A Legal Center of Excellence

We are a family owned and operated office and are driven by the values of:

  • Responsiveness
  • Strategy
  • Strength
  • Experience